Forum Aktuell

Our Forum Aktuell webinars cover critical topics and developments that address concerns and inspire our creative spirit.

Studying in Germany as an EU Citizen: Requirements and Application Process

March 4, 8:00 pm EST 

This workshop is intended for parents of students grades 6 and up who are EU citizens and interested in studying in Germany. There will be time for a Q & A session after an informative presentation.

If you have any questions for our presenter that you want covered in the workshop please enter them here: Registrant Questions

Presenter: Dorothea Drew, Forum Deutsch Ambassador

PAST Forum Aktuells

Studying in Germany: Navigating the Higher Education Labyrinth

January 18, 2024 | 8 PM EST

This workshop is intended for parents of students grades 8 and up who are considering studying in Germany. We will cover basic information on:

  • Requirements for entering the German university system

  • Different programs

  • Comparison to the US higher education system

  • What to expect when you arrive in Germany

  • Where to find information

Presenter: Dorothea Drew


German Programs in the US: Examining the Present and Envisioning the Future

October 12, 7 - 8:30 PM EDT 

Is studying German still relevant? Can we revitalize German programs in the US - or are we fighting a loosing battle?

Please join us and take advantage of this unique opportunity to actively engage with two of the most vocal advocates for German language education in the US: Patrick Wallace, former Supervisor with the Georgia Department of Education, and Ryan Wertz, Education Program Specialist for World Languages in Ohio’s Office of Learning and Instructional Strategies!

They will share their views on questions like:

  • How can we resolve the chicken and egg problem:
    Few qualified teachers -> Programs closing -> Fewer students enrolling in certification programs?

  • How can local communities advocate for and support German programs?

  • How can we forge partnerships with supporting organizations to boost enrollment?

Sign up and secure your spot!  This discussion concerns all of us!