seals of biliteracy


The Global Seal of Biliteracy was inspired by the U.S. State Seal of Biliteracy movement (grassroots in California 2008) which provides recognition of bilingual skills to graduating high school seniors in public schools. As language skills are acquired in many different ways, the Global Seal provides an opportunity for anyone with language skills to not only document and certify their abilities but also sustain and develop their current skills.

The Global Seal pathway of awards (Ribbons) certifies the language skills of students in preschool, kindergarten, elementary, and middle school from private, independent, charter, parochial, international, community heritage language, public, and home schools. They also recognize those who have learned their languages at home, through travel abroad or unique experiences, at college or as a working adult.

For more information and an overview of seals*, become a member of Forum Deutsch here. If you are already a member, go to your account to get the overview!


*All sources for Seal information have been cited in the overview document